There are many stages of mushroom trip, each with its distinct effects and characteristics. Below, we will discuss some common products and phases of a mushroom trip and what to do in challenging circumstances. To begin, let’s have a better understanding of what exactly magic shrooms are.
What Are Shrooms, and How Do They Make You Feel?
What exactly are these magic mushrooms? When taken, some kinds of mushrooms may produce hallucinogenic and mind-altering effects, and these shrooms are collectively referred to as “magic mushrooms.” Psilocybin and psilocin are the names of the hallucinogenic compounds that may be found in mushrooms.
People who consume psychedelic shrooms risk having “mystical-type” or spiritual awakenings since these mushrooms belong to the class of substances known as entheogens. For instance, throughout history, indigenous peoples in Mexico have utilized shrooms for religious and spiritual reasons as an integral element of their rituals for many generations.
Mushroom Trip Timeline
The length of a trip on shrooms is often close to six hours in its entirety. The following is an outline of the many stages that occur during a trip:
It is essential that you first relax both your body and your mind. Having something to drink and ensuring you aren’t hungry are good starting points. Mushrooms taken on an empty stomach might cause nausea, so eating something before taking them is best. This may delay the onset of the trip’s effects, but it’s for the best. You shouldn’t be tripping on a timetable.
Magic mushrooms may be consumed in a variety of ways, including when eaten raw and dry (which can be difficult on the stomach), in capsule form (psilocybin isolate), as a powder, or in tea (an easy way for first-timers). About an hour is the average waiting time before you start to feel the benefits.
The beginning of the high caused by magic mushrooms is often called the “come-up.” After consuming shrooms, it might take between half an hour to two hours for them to appear.
As your eyes adjust to the new light, you may notice that colours pop and the world seems more crisp and clear. People can have mild hallucinations; things around them could seem like breathing or changing, and they might even have ripple patterns. The mind may become less concentrated, and things could appear funnier than they usually would.
The trip’s peak is everything you’ve heard or envisioned about psychedelics. Much of the journey will be determined by your mindset and that of your fellow trippers. The 3 to 5 hours will likely be meaningless as one of the effects is a lapse in time. It may appear brief or lengthy.
You’ll notice your current reality. You’ll have bodily hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, and visual hallucinations. Sometimes hallucinations are non-existent.
Surfaces feel distinct. You may notice a sensation of exhilaration; you may feel calm and more in touch with the planet and animals around you. You may feel empathy for people, animals, and plants. Your new worldview will make you happier.
The comedown corresponds to the return trip. It is analogous to the beginning but in the opposite way. As the psilocybin mushrooms are digested completely, any hallucinations, euphoric feelings, or ideas of proximity that may have occurred go away. This stage lasts around one to two hours. You may not even notice the comedown until most of its effects disappear. When we look back on anything, our point of view nearly always becomes clearer.
The next day, you could have some symptoms of jet lag, but given that you just got back from a trip, this shouldn’t come as a surprise. You can spend the day relaxing and reflecting on what has happened to you. You will get a feeling of exhaustion, sluggishness, and maybe even drowsiness. It is an excellent time to consume a lot of orange juice and other foods and drinks that are high in vitamin C, and you should also be looking forward to receiving your next shipment of mushrooms.
The journey’s continued cheerful and joyful sentiments are referred to as the “afterglow. After the effects of the mushrooms have completely worn off, you may continue to feel their aftereffects for many hours or even days.
Get ready to dive fully into another existence. These experiences are often referred to as trips, and there is a sound reason behind this term choice. As with any trip, enjoying the journey is essential to the experience. It is not a bad idea to let things unfold naturally. Being there is the only way to properly understand what to expect and how to prepare for it. You may be confident in one regard, namely, that it will be stunning and transformative for your life. You’ll be better able to enjoy the beginning of the effects if you take an accepting attitude and realize that different things could happen.